Well, for starters, my full name is Leslie Harris.... not including my two middle names!!!!
I'm 17 and I will be 18 in June so yes I'm a Gemini Babii! I'm pregnant with a boy and he will be due in November. I love to eat chocolate and I have always been this way. So far during my pregnancy I been getting really annoyed but Iv'e been trying to keep my sanity but the coolest thing about me being pregnant is I still get to fit into my size 1-3 jean pants;-) To be honest, I do have a temper so don't test me please cause I will come at you. So far in school, I'm finally doing pretty well, I mean I guess I have to cause this my senior year in school so I pretty much don't have a choice but to do well. Hopefully this be a good year for me cause usually I almost always have a bad day almost every day. I love to eat but yet I'm so skinny even though I'm pregnant. I weigh about 140 lbs.... funny huh???? lol, LBS(Laughing But Serious)!!!!
Its funny cause i actually gained about 10 extra lbs since this post, but anywho, I can still fit most small sized pants... maybe more like a 6-9 in small!!! Lol, Lbs! (L)aughing (B)ut (S)erious